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Carrying on traditions

During the holiday season we often find ourselves either creating new traditions with those we love or continuing on with past ones. These traditions can be anything from wearing something specific every year to what we cook. One fond memory I have from growing up is with my mother, Rebecca. It started as a "test run" for how Thanksgiving dinner would turn out (another reason being my stepdad was a grocery store manager and would often miss out on holidays), then it became something more. She used to call is Pre-Thanksgiving dinner, and we could invite our friends to it or anyone we knew who family didn't have around to spend Thanksgiving with. I mean let's be honest, who wouldn't want to have two Thanksgiving dinners? I'm talking about turkey, stuffing, desserts, the works! I was one of the things that I looked forward to every year. It also made lots of sense because we have such a large family, and it would be hard to see everyone on just one day, so it became a way of extending the holiday as well.

She passed away last year, and I find myself carrying on the tradition this year with my siblings and their families. It's partly celebrating her (her birthday was also in November) and also a way to celebrate Thanksgiving with my siblings since Adam and I normally spend it with one side of our family. I'm talking turkey, ham, mashed potatoes (Mama Ellie's mashed potatoes to be exact), green beans and bacon (I won't be having any due to allergies), pumpkin pie, and a few vegan dishes for my niece. These are all "classic Rebecca" dishes, some she made and some she loved. One of the dishes is cranberry jalapeno relish, I know it may sound odd, but lots of people love this side dish. It's this week's recipe that I'm sharing, with a twist that Adam adds to it. I hear it pairs well with the turkey, personally I don't like cranberry jelly, but it is something she was known for. Ever since I asked her for the recipe and Adam started making it, it quickly became a staple at the Jackson family Thanksgiving.

This year maybe think a little bit more about what traditions you can carry on or perhaps start a new one. I know my kids have been saying how much they are looking forward to our Pre-Thanksgiving dinner coming up, so I'm pretty confident that at least one of them will carry on the tradition later in life. I'll try to post some pictures of our little get together once all is said and done, perhaps a before and after of the food coma.


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