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Soups on

The weather has finally cooled down enough to put soups & stews on the menu! If you can't tell, I'm a bit excited for this. I love when the weather shifts because that means I can through in other dinner ideas into the mix when menu planning. Not only if the cooler weather nice, but then you get to have more cozy comfort meals. Don't get me wrong, I love all the Summer BBQ's and salad bar nights, but something about soup & sandwiches or a nice stew with a crusty piece of bread to dip into it just makes me want to stay in and watch rain pour down. Not that we get much rain where I live, but you get the scenario.

As a kid I grew up in the San Bernardino Mountains, so we really did get all four seasons there. I recall having tomato soup (canned Campbell's soup) and grilled cheese sandwiches as one of our "main" meals during Fall/Winter. People who know me find it a bit amusing that I like this memory so much, being that I only like tomatoes as sauce or soup (it's a texture thing when they're diced or chunky). But none the less, it's still one of my favorite family meals, whether it's in memory or current dinners. Granted I can't have the grilled cheese sandwiches now that I used to be able to, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying a good bowl of Tomato Soup with a grilled sandwich. Now a days I have a grilled salami & pepperoni sandwich on gluten free bread with homemade mayo in it, gives it the melty creamy texture I miss from cheese. The combo of that sandwich dipped in the tomato soup is very tasty.

As an adult (well, as adult as I get. lol) I wanted to create a soup recipe that honored my childhood memories but also bring a bit more of a "grown-up" flavor profile to tomato soup. No to toot my own horn, but I have even gotten my kids to like having tomato soup with my homemade recipe (toot, toot). Just the difference of using fresh ingredients as opposed to canned (there is nothing wrong if you prefer canned) can make a world of difference alone. That combined with a few seasonings and roasting the tomatoes before making the soup bring about the "adult" like flavor profile I'm talking about. The little extra steps really do make a world of difference in cooking, not to mention in life in general. So, head on over to the recipe section and give my Creamy Tomato Soup recipe a try!


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