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Welcome to the Jackson family kitchen

Updated: Dec 5, 2023

Hello and welcome. My name is Kimberly and I'm a married SAHM mom of 4. As a family of 6 (crazy right) dinner time for us is definitely a family affair. Four of us in the house have food allergies (mine being the worst) and three "normies" as we like to call them because they can eat whatever they like. I have 43 different food allergies (don't get me started on my environmental ones), my hubby A, kids E&B has food allergies as well. Kids C & M don't have any food allergies, so they are called "Normies". It's a term we use lovingly in our house. Due to this number of allergies, we cook from scratch pretty much for all meals. Thankfully before we found out about the extent of our issues we loved to cook, so adapting recipes wasn't too much of a challenge. I know, you're still thinking, " She has 43 food allergies??? What do she eat?" Well, to answer that, a lot of good food! We cook American, Mexican, Italian, Chinese, and many more types of food. I love to bake with the kids as well. I hope you enjoy the recipes we share and the tips on how we manage kitchen life at our home.


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